I have no special talents to broadcast to the world. I cannot sing or dance. I can’t act; I can’t play a musical instrument. I haven’t done something amazing like sail around the world solo, and I haven’t survived a terrible natural disaster. I haven’t beaten the odds of some medical condition, and I’m not academically gifted. I’m not a funny person, I don’t meet lots of new interesting people to write about. I have just never done anything remotely exciting or life changing. I don’t live in some remote place that nobody ever sees. So why should I really bother?
I used to blog with my photography and I wish to continue. I had to have a break, ever since I left school and tried to do something it made me upset and angry. There were many times I considered throwing my camera into the blowhole. After a while of not picking up my camera I’ve started to warm to the idea of photography again. While I’ve been contemplating destroying my camera, I’ve been fixing up old family photographs and editing photos from the past. My older work by far has been much better than my recent things, this is because I lived for photography back then and in the past year I’ve put too much though into it and it just wasn’t fun, it became a chore. I’m glad I’ve given up DeviantART. I will never upload there again, and once I remember my password I will delete all photographs left in my gallery. I recently deleted my old flickr account too. It felt good.
I don’t care about photos that aren’t “perfect”. I don’t care if my landscapes aren’t perfectly straight. I don’t have a tripod and it’s very hard to photograph a perfect landscape when your hands shake. I like my animals in photos when they’re blurred because they’re playing and I’ve captured them doing something they enjoy, instead of me forcing them to sit still for that perfect portrait and trying to make them do something cute. I don’t care if there’s a stick or rock in the middle of my picture; I won’t photoshop it out because we were both present on the day I took the photo, so why should I exclude it? I like feedback but it doesn’t bother me if people hate my photos. It did once upon a time but everyone is entitled to their opinions, including me. I blog for my own enjoyment, I suppose it’s a bit of a substitute for my grade seven English journal. I miss writing in that. It’s funny but even just writing a random blog post I end up getting defence and feel the need to explain myself. Bad habits are hard to break.
It's been a bit bothersome without having a computer that works properly, right now we still don't have word on this computer which is actually more annoying than it sounds. I never realised how much I use word. At least this computer lets me blog, the old one wouldn't.
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